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Mount Dora Florida Demographics

Most recent surveys show the Golden Triangle area population to be Mount Dora - 25,772, Eustis - 34,674 and Tavares - 18,394.  These numbers indicate significant growth over the last 10 years, reflecting the great popularity of this area and it's lifestyle.


According to the latest census figures, 25% of the resident's of Lake County are over 65, 20% are under 18 and 51% of all residents are female. Lake County surveys show 85% of the residents of Lake County Florida describe their race as being white. Over 76.6% of Lake County residents own their home and 84.7% have been living in the same house for over a year.


87% of Lake County Florida residents over the age of 25 are high school graduates or higher. 35% of Lake County residents are veterans. The average number of persons per household is 2.5 per family. The medium household income in 2012 was $45,663 per year.


The total land area of Lake County Florida is 938 square miles. In 2010, the population density was a relatively low 316 persons per square mile.


For those accustomed to big city personalities and crowds, the Mount Dora and Golden Triangle area vibe is surprisingly laid back. It's an interesting combination mixing an artistic flavor into a small town country backdrop among historic buildings with active but not overbearing people. Long restaurant waits are almost nonexistent and the average resident is well educated, friendly and polite.


Lake County residents are nature lovers and outdoors people. The close proximity to the many lakes, rolling hills, large open spaces dotted with majestic oaks and the nearby Ocala National Forest make viewing wild birds and animals a popular pastime. In fact, it is hard to drive any distance in North Lake County without seeing something of great natural beauty.


If you have any questions about Mount Dora or Lake County Florida demographics, please contact us though this website.








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